Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Why Not Just Serve in Fort Wayne?

Twenty-seven of our mission trip travelers and their friends and family gathered last evening to clean a couple of yards of storm damage (and more volunteered, but we already had more than we needed!).  It was awesome to have so many help out and amazing how quickly everything was done.  For me, it only heightened my excitement about the mission trip as I was reminded what a great group we have!

Someone recently questioned why we have to go to Thunder Bay to serve when there are opportunities to serve right in Fort Wayne.  We do serve in Fort Wayne...and not just a little, but a lot.  I'm proud of what our Trinity English youth do on a regular basis to serve the congregation, the Fort Wayne community, and beyond.

With that said, the congregation provides an important faith formation experience for our youth by supporting our mission trips.  By taking part in these mission trips, we not only are able to "do" things that help others but there is an intentional focus on relationship-building and faith formation.  We begin the day with devotions and silent meditation and reflection.  We end each day with Scripture reading, music, prayer, and a message.  

Research has shown that middle and high school students who experience a mission trip are more likely to still practice their faith as young adults.  That's really not surprising to me as the experience cements relationships and strengthens faith in so many ways.  Being exposed to people from different churches, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds stretches our youth as does traveling together in ways that some have not experienced (almost half of our youth last year had never flown before and at least half this year have never traveled by train before...even some of the adults haven't).

If you still have doubts about the value of our mission trips, please join us on Sunday, August 12, 2012, following the 10:00 am worship service for our Mission Trip Celebration.  You can hear from our students directly about the impact the trip had on them.

Thank you for continuing to invest in our youth!