Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Some Updates

Yesterday's update mysteriously disappeared, so first a recap and then some new information.
We had an awesome visit to Crosswinds Comunity Church in Stillwater, Minnesota. It was great to see students and adults that we served with last year in Oklahoma. They were incredibly hospitable and kind. They had an awesome potluck and sent us on our way with lots of home cooked food.
We ate dinner on the shore of Lake Superior at Grand Marais, Minnesota. It was incredibly relaxing, beautiful and fun.
Yesterday was our first work day. One group is running a Kids Club for community children. Another group is working at a camp for aboriginal children. One group is working at a soup kitchen. One group is serving with the Community Safety Initiative and doing a different project each day. Two other groups are each leading activities at a total of 4 nursing homes.
Everyone reported enjoying their service yesterday. Madisen connected with an elderly person who she especially enjoyed getting to know. Jon helped an elderly woman win at bingo several times and others were envious at his obvious skill. Jason, Justin, Delaney, and Haley did a great job leading songs, skits, crafts, and games at Kids Club. They also read to students. So many shared amazing stories of how they served yesterday and how meaningful it was. Austin said that he couldn't even put into words how he felt serving but that it was a great feeling.
we are in the midst of our second day of our work assignments. I only know about the Kids Club group so far since I am in that group. We served at a community garden this morning. It Feds hungry people here and helps build community. The kids are here and so we are about to start our music time.
I will try to add more later.