Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ready for Wednesday!

Yesterday was another great day. Everyone seems to be enjoying their work assignments. It was easier for most on the second day since we knew what to expect. Several students said they especially enjoyed having the chance to get to know those they work with even better. Our evening activity was a photo scavenger hunt around Thunder Bay. It was a lot of fun. Jack, Brent, Olivia, Morgan, Kaylee, and Christa prepared breakfast for the whole group this morning. Jack led the prayer.
Every evening I asked each student to share their high point, low point, and something they are looking forward to. It gives each the opportunity to share and it gives me a "read" on what is working, if any potential problems are brewing, and insight into what they are excited about. There have been loads of high points, mostly related to the ways in which they are serving. Low points have been mostly about how long it takes for showers, a wish for more free time, but nothing of real concern.
I have added more photos to the photobucket album. Look in a previous post foe the URL to see the photos.