Friday, July 1, 2011

So Much to Share...So Little Time!

We were so busy yesterday (Thursday) that I didn't have time to post anything.  Sorry about that.

I am posting some pictures from Wednesday evening first.  Now, I know this is one of those things that "you had to be there", but I wanted to share it with you anyway.  The staff asked for 4 volunteers.  Jason, Justin, and Christa immediately volunteered as did a student from the Texas group.  Once they were on stage, it was announced that they would be participating in a "dance off".  Both Jason and Justin hammed it up a bit.  Christa was hesitant...and the whole crowd cheered her name over and over.  She ended up doing an incredible dance!  You had to be there to fully appreciate it, but take a look at the pictures and I think you'll get a sense of it.

We finished up our work assignments on Thursday.  It was 106 degrees. We decided the quote of the day was from Delaney.  She commented that it was so hot that her mouth was sweating and her mouth has never sweat before!   One of the home owners whose home was being painted treated the work crew to Sno Cones from a truck that is located in downtown Pawhuska.  I ended up having to drive the crew (which included Jacque, Brent, and Jon) and had a great time with them.  I then took my crew (which included Ross, Justin, Jason, and Austin) and they enjoyed it as well.

My crew (along with Catherine and Meredith) visited at the Pawhuska Nursing Home in the morning to play Bingo with residents.  We ended up forming a choir and sang for the residents.  After our first song they found some hymnals for us and we ended up singing quite a few.

We enjoyed a community cookout Thursday evening.  Many of the people who we had served throughout the week came and joined us for dinner.  It was great for our youth to see how much the work they did was appreciated.  Marjoleine joined us for dinner as well.

Our closing worship time on Thursday evening was quite moving.  We had a footwashing service.

This morning we departed, spending the day at Big Splash Waterpark in Tulsa.  It was a great place to spend the day.  We had dinner tonight at Romano's Macaroni Grill.

Right now we are about to turn off the lights so that we can get some rest before our 7 am wake up time.  While everyone has had a wonderful time, we look forward to returning to Fort Wayne tomorrow.