Monday, June 27, 2011

What a Great Day!

What a great day we had today!  I didn't hear a single youth complain about the heat...although that may be because I was so busy complaining about the 103 degree temperature today myself!

Half our group spent the day painting houses in Pawhuska.  We don't have any pictures of that because the camera went with the other group...which worked at Kid's Club, a Vacation Bible School type program.  We'll have pictures from painting tomorrow... promise!

Our youth have very quickly formed friendships with the youth from the other churches which are here.  I've been so happy to see our youth provide leadership in so many ways.  I've enjoyed watching them volunteer to help out, whether helping with meal preparation or "ice duty" (getting ice from the Baptist church's ice machine).

This evening we went to the "Swinging Bridge".  We only got to experience half of it as a wasp's nest was disturbed and we didn't want to get stung.  We also went up to Lookout Point, the burial place of Chief Fred Lookout, the last hereditary chief of the Osage (they are elected now).